

Hello, I'm glad you found me! I'm Raelene... owner, designer, and maker of Pixzknits. An Alberta girl who now lives in Pennsylvania, I have grown up loving the outdoors!

Knitting for me began as a hobby in my early 20's and now over 20 years later and moving to a new country has become a passion which has helped keep me grounded and centered through some difficult times. I realized that my love for wool and making things for friends and families could become a real business! I also realized I could design my own patterns and release them to the Maker Community. I wanted a space to share all my favorite things I've found along the way through all of my travels, so I started Pixzknits in 2022 and launched my Online Boutique in 2023.

Pixzknits is more than just my knits and designs, it is a place to share all of my loves as I am an artist, a musician and a homeschool mama as well. When I'm not knitting, I'm playing the piano and composing music, making art with my daughter, or hiking with my husband and our two beautiful dogs.

Thank you for supporting and following along...